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Access via Web Terminal


QueryPie provides a web terminal through a web browser, allowing users to execute commands.

Web Terminal Interface


QueryPie Web > Servers > Terminal

  • When you successfully connect using the SSH protocol, the web terminal screen is displayed as shown.

  • Top Toolbar: Allows opening and switching between multiple servers and sessions.

  • Bottom Terminal: Area where commands can be executed.

In the QueryPie Lab, a high-performance web terminal feature is available. To use it, go to the top menu bar > Profile > Preferences > QueryPie Lab and turn on the Use High Performance Web Terminal switch.

Connecting to Multiple Servers


QueryPie Web > Servers > Terminal

  • Click the server name in the top left area to see all currently connected servers and switch between them.

  • Disconnect : Click the Disconnect button next to the server name to disconnect from the server.

  • Open New Connection : Add a new server connection directly from this area.

Opening Multiple Sessions


Servers > Teminal > Open New Session

  • If the administrator has set the maximum session count to more than one, click the + button on the top toolbar to open multiple sessions.

  • Select the account and protocol for the connection as you did initially and click the Open button.

Q: Is there a limit on single input or clipboard pasting?

A: The maximum size allowed for a single input is 65,000 bytes.

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