9.17.0 ~ 9.17.1
QueryPie 9.17.1 Release
New Features
[DAC] Released a feature for controlling the execution of specific statements
Bug Fix
[DAC] Resolved migration issues caused by reserved word conflicts when using AWS Aurora 3.06.0
[DAC] Fixed issues related to connections without DB authentication information when performing SQL requests
QueryPie 9.17.0 Release
New Features
[Audit] Released External API V2 and new documentation
[Audit] Expanded support for exporting Activity Logs, DML Snapshots, and SAC audit logs
[DAC] Supported integration of HR files through Custom Identity Provider
[DAC] Added proxy support for DocumentDB
[DAC] Added Tibero as a new data source
[DAC] Introduced Advanced Privilege Setting for controlling DB accounts by privilege
[DAC] Added feature to set maximum expiration date for permissions when applying for workflows
[DAC] Added control feature for entering justifications at the connection level
[SAC] Supported third-party client connections via Proxy
[SAC] Supported grouping by Server Group based on Server Tag
[DAC] Added support for MongoDB + SRV
[SAC] Improved structure for policy objectification
[SAC] Enhanced logging for Web Terminal / Command Audit
[Security] Improved logic for 2FA reset
[Security] Enhanced security on the API Token page
Bug Fix
[Audit] Fixed issue where some Update logs in Activity Logs could not verify Affected Data
[Oracle] Resolved issue where DML Snapshots were not left when executing DML queries using MERGE INTO
[Security] Addressed security vulnerabilities identified through internal penetration testing
[Audit] Fixed compatibility issues with Kotlin in Workflow External API V2, changing boolean attribute key names from isXXX
Workflow - DB Access Request Details
Workflow - SQL Request Details
Workflow - SQL Export Request Details