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All activities within QueryPie are recorded in audit logs. This includes user and administrator logins/logouts, granting and revoking permissions, access to databases, servers, and Kubernetes clusters, executing queries or commands, and changes to resources or security settings. These logs capture every activity in QueryPie and the resources it controls.

Key Features

  • Audit Log Export : Export audit logs to files via the Audit Log Export menu.

  • Report Generation : Generate reports on QueryPie data via the Report menu.

  • Audit Log View : Real-time viewing, searching, and filtering of logs through individual log pages under the Audit menu.

Types of Viewable Audit Logs

  1. Logs are displayed in real-time in the individual log pages and sorted by the latest activity.

  2. Logs can be searched and filtered by specific column values.

  3. Clicking on a specific log entry opens a Drawer with detailed information.

The types of audit logs available depend on the license you hold. The following logs are available per license type:

Common Logs





  • User Access History

  • Activity Logs

  • Admin Role History


  • DB Access History

  • Query Audit

  • Running Queries

  • DML Snapshot

  • Account Lock History

  • Access Control Logs


  • Server Access History

  • Command Audit

  • Session Logs

  • Session Monitoring

  • Access Control Logs

  • Server Role History

  • Account Lock History


  • Request Audit

  • Pod Session Recordings

  • Kubernetes Role History

  1. General

  • User Access History: Records of user logins and logouts.

  • Activity Logs: Records of administrator actions such as resource registration and settings changes.

  • Admin Role History: Records of administrator role assignments, changes, and revocations.

  1. Databases

  • DB Access History: Records of database connection and disconnection.

  • Query Audit: Records of completed query executions.

  • Running Queries: Currently running queries.

  • DML Snapshot: Pre- and post-data records for INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE queries (requires additional configuration).

  • Account Lock History: Records of connection locks due to password failures or prolonged inactivity.

  • Access Control Logs: Records of connection access grants and revocations.

  1. Servers

  • Server Access History: Records of server connections and disconnections.

  • Command Audit: Records of executed commands.

  • Session Logs: Individual session records and replay functionality.

  • Session Monitoring: Real-time monitoring of active sessions with the option for administrators to forcefully terminate sessions if needed.

  • Access Control Logs: Records of server access grants and revocations via Direct Permission and Workflow.

  • Server Role History: Records of server access grants and revocations through the Roles menu.

  • Account Lock History: Records of server account locks.

  1. Kubernetes

  • Request Audit: Records of Kubernetes API server calls.

  • Pod Session Recordings: Records of activities within Pod Exec sessions.

  • Kubernetes Role History: Records of Kubernetes access grants and revocations.

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