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On the Channels page, you can register and manage the channels through which notifications from QueryPie will be received. Currently, QueryPie supports the following two channel types, both of which require setup and integration before registration.

  • HTTP

  • Slack

Viewing Channels

Navigate to the Administrator > General > Company Management > Channels page to view the list of currently registered channels. Channels can be searched by name and filtered by Channel Type.

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 Administrator > General > Company Management > Channels

Creating a Channel

To register a new channel, click the Create Channel button at the top right of the Channels page. This will open the channel creation modal.

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Administrator > General > Company Management > Channels > Create Channel

  • Title : Enter the name of the channel.

  • Type : Select the channel type for receiving notifications. The input fields will vary based on your selection.

    • HTTP : Used for sending requests directly to HTTP APIs like Zapier or Okta Workflows.

      • Request URL (필수) : Request URL (Required): Enter the URL to which the request will be sent.

      • Request Header (JSON) : If necessary, input the request headers in JSON format.

      • Body Template : Define the request body template.

        • Default : {{message}} - Sends the message as defined in the alert.

    • Slack : Used for sending notifications to a Slack channel.

      • Slack Type : Choose between Webhook or API methods for integration.

      • For detailed instructions, refer to the Integrating with Slack section below.

Deleting a Channel

To delete a channel, select the desired channel(s) using the checkbox in the Channels list on the Channels page. Once selected, the Delete button will appear. Click the button to open the deletion confirmation modal. Click OKto complete the deletion.

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Administrator > General > Company Management > Channels > Delete Verification Modal

Integrating with Slack

1. Create a Slack App

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Creating an App in Slack

  1. Navigate to

  2. Click the Create an App button.

  3. On the screen, select the App Name and Slack Workspace for which you want to send notifications.

  4. Click Create App.

2-1. Integrate using the Webhook type

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Incoming Webhook Settings in Slack

  1. Navigate to the Incoming Webhooks menu within the app page.

  2. Activate the Activate Incoming Webhooks option.

  3. Click Add New Webhook to Workspace at the bottom.


 Add Webhook Screen in Slack

  1. Select the channel where you want to send alerts within your workspace, then click the Allow button.

  2. The Webhook URL will be generated as shown above. Copy this URL.

  3. On the QueryPie channel creation screen, configure the settings as follows and complete the channel registration.

    1. Type : Select Slack

    2. Slack Type : Select Webhook

    3. Request URL : Paste the URL copied in step 5

2-2. Integrate using the API type

  1. Click on the previously created app to navigate to the app's settings screen.

  2. On the app page, go to theApp Manifest menu.


App Manifest Menu in Slack

  1. Add chat:write to the Scopes section and save your changes.

  2.  You must then use the yellow notification bar at the top to Reinstall your app to restart it.

  3.  Click Reinstall to Workspace, select the Slack channel where you want to send alerts, and click the Allow button.

  4. Go to the selected Slack channel and add the newly created app.

  5.  Copy the channel ID from the channel's details (e.g., C6FNHQA3).

  6.  Copy the Bot User OAuth Token information.

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OAuth & Permissions Page in Slack - Copy Token

  1. On the QueryPie channel creation screen, configure the settings as follows and complete the channel registration .

    1. OAuth Token : Paste the token copied in step 8.

    2. Slack Channel : Paste the channel ID copied in step 7.

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