Privilege Type
The Privilege feature allows for granular control of permissions based on combinations of SQL statements. Additionally, for web editors, it offers control over exporting and importing data, as well as clipboard copy functionality. SQL statements are categorized according to ANSI SQL standards, with separate privilege types provided for Redis.
Creating a Privilege
When creating a privilege, certain SQL statements like SET, SHOW, DESCRIBE, and USE are included by default for MySQL.

Administrator > Databases > DB Access Control > Privilege Type
Navigate to the Administrator > Databases > DB Access Control > Privilege Type menu.
Click the
Create Privilege Type
button in the upper right corner.Enter the following details:
Name: A unique name to identify the privilege on the screen.
Database Type: Select the type of database to which the privilege will apply. The default selection is General.
Privilege Type: Choose the SQL statements that this privilege will allow.
Functions: Select the actions permitted under this privilege, such as controlling the ability to export and import data or use clipboard copy functionality in the web editor.
to create the privilege.
The newly created privilege will appear in the Privilege Type list.
How Should I Create and Manage Access Privileges for Redis Connections?
In the Privilege creation screen, choose Redis as the Database Type. This will allow you to create a privilege using Redis-specific types.
Privileges for Redis are categorized into Read, Write, Dangerous, and Etc.
These categories align with the Redis ACL Categories standards.
Within each selected category, you can further refine the permissions by restricting specific commands.