Profile Editor
Administrators can implement attribute-level mastering for efficient management of user identity source of truth. Through the Profile Editor, you can set the master source for each attribute of a user’s profile and manage updates accordingly. Note that this Profile Editor does not affect local QueryPie users; it controls the management of user attributes when the Auth Provider is designated as an external IdP, such as Okta or LDAP.

Administrator > General > User Management > Profile Editor
Defining User Attribute Master Sources
You can specify a Source Priority for each user attribute. The types are as follows:
Inherit from profile source
This option allows updates to be received from an external Auth Provider for the specified attribute.
The user's attribute becomes patchable via the SCIM API.
Inherit from QueryPie
Although the user is created from an external Auth Provider, this option indicates that the attribute will be managed internally by QueryPie.
Even if updates to the attribute are pushed via the SCIM API, it remains managed by QueryPie, and changes are ignored.