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SSH Configurations


The SSH Configurations page is where you manage SSH tunneling information used for DB connection setups.

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Administrator > Databases > Connection Management > SSH Configuration > Create SSH Configuration

  1. Navigate to the Administrator > Databases > Connection Management > SSH Configuration menu.

  2. Click the Create SSH button in the upper right corner.

  3. Enter the required information for SSH tunneling:

    1. Name: A name for the SSH tunneling configuration.

    2. SSH Auth Type: The authentication method (choose between Password or Key Pair).

      • The fields displayed below will vary based on the selected authentication type.

    3. SSH Host: The host information for SSH access (can be a domain or IP address).

    4. SSH Port: The port number used for SSH access.

    5. Username / Password: The ID and password for the connection

      • Displayed if the Password method is selected

    6. SSH Private Key / SSH Key Passphrase: The private key and passphrase for the connection

      • Displayed if the Key Pair method is selected

  4. Click the Save button to store the SSH tunneling information.

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