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SSL Configurations


The SSL Configurations page allows you to register SSL configuration information for use when connecting to a database.

스크린샷 2024-07-30 오후 11.01.07.png

Administrator > Databases > Connection Management > SSL Configuration > Create SSL

  1. Navigate to the Administrator > Databases > Connection Management > SSL Configuration menu.

  2. Click the Create SSL button in the upper right corner.

  3. Enter the following information to register the SSL certificate:

    1. Name: A unique name to identify the SSL certificate on the screen.

    2. SSL Mode: Select the connection mode when using SSL.

    3. Private Key: Enter the key needed for data encryption and decryption after establishing an SSL connection.

    4. Certificate: Enter the certificate information used to identify the client.

    5. CA Certificate: Enter the CA certificate information used to verify the certificate.

  4. Click the Save button to store the SSL configuration.

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