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10.1.0 ~ 10.1.4

QueryPie 10.1.4 Release 


Bug Fix

  • [Workflow] Fixed an issue where delegate approvers were unable to view the Request page for approval tasks.

QueryPie 10.1.3 Release 


  • [DAC] Limited access to only the SID or ServiceName registered in the connection information when connecting to Oracle

Bug Fix

  • [Agent] Improved Agent Refresh Token expiration logic

  • [Syslog] Resolved issues with log retransmission and proxy connection delays

QueryPie 10.1.2 Release 



  • [DAC] Added defensive code to ensure automatic cleanup of sessions and jobs in case of leaks


Bug Fix

  • [DAC] [MySQL] Fixed an issue where errors occurred when processing Query Attributes

  • [DAC] [MongoDB] Corrected an error where successful connections via Agent were recorded as failures in DB Access History

  • [DAC] [MongoDB] Fixed an issue where a failure in the KillCursors command on the Proxy would result in an error

  • [DAC] Resolved an issue where a payment approval popup for the Ledger table was not displayed when accessing the Proxy via a 3rd-party after upgrading to version 10.1.1

  • [SAC] Addressed a problem where some search results were intermittently not displayed when the Server Group list contained a large number of results

  • [SAC] Fixed an issue where only a partial server list was displayed during the final step of Grant Permission when a large number of servers were registered simultaneously


External API

  • [SAC] Added a new API for Grant Direct Permission by Name, allowing permissions to be granted based on resource name


QueryPie 10.1.1 Release 



  • [Dashboard] Improved the loading speed of the dashboard page


Bug Fix

  • [SAC] Resolved an issue where an error message appeared when users selected a role after a server with permissions was deleted

  • [SAC] Fixed an issue where an error message appeared when duplicate access permissions were granted to a server the user already had access to

QueryPie 10.1.0 Release 

New Features

  • [SAC] Added the ability to assign a command whitelist when granting individual user permissions

  • [SAC] Enabled the use of Allowed Zones based on server tags

  • [SAC] Supported Jump Host access in multi-hop environments (ProxyJump)

  • [SAC] Added support for new protocols (FTP, Telnet)

  • [SAC] Added password management features (bulk changes, cycle management, etc.)


  • [SAC] [RDP] Added a password entry step when deleting server agents

  • [KAC] Expanded Proxy domain configuration to support IP addresses

Bug Fix

  • [Dashboard] Fixed an error when deleted accounts appear in recent server access history

  • [Security] Resolved an issue where users were logged out before the session timeout

  • [IAM] Fixed an error when accessing accounts with multiple Admin Roles

  • [DAC] Fixed connection errors with specific Oracle JDBC Driver versions

  • [DAC] Corrected missing pre/post data after running an UPDATE query with DML Snapshot enabled

  • [SAC] Fixed duplicate host names in User Access History when logging in via Okta

External API

  • [SAC] Added Whitelist object to the Get Direct Permission API

  • [SAC] Modified Grant Direct Permission API to allow whitelisting

  • [SAC] Added a new Grant Whitelist API

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