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Admin Manual

Welcome to the Administrator Manual.

As QueryPie administrator, you can manage resources and permissions, solution security, notification settings, and more through QueryPie Web or API. The settings menu displayed to the administrator varies based on the supplied license and administrator role permissions.

To access the administrator page, first log in to QueryPie. Upon successful login, you will be directed to the user dashboard. If you have been assigned the QueryPie administrator role, then a Go to Admin Page button will appear in the upper right corner. Click this button to open the administrator page in a new tab.

스크린샷 2024-08-01 오후 2.50.06.png

Entry Point for the Administrator Page

New to QueryPie Administration?

Before setting up services like Databases, Servers, Kubernetes, and others, it is essential to configure the basic settings. We recommend prioritizing security settings, user settings, and the assignment of administrator roles as key tasks

Recommended Steps

Setup Items


Setting Basic Information

  • General

    • Company name, timezone, date format, etc.


Configuring Security Information

  • Security

    • Account lock policies, password settings, timeout settings, etc.

  • Allowed Zones

    • Create and manage allowed IP ranges.


Creating Users and User Groups


Assigning Administrator Roles


Setting Approval Rules


Configuring Alerts


Integrating External Security Solutions

Ready with Basic Settings? Let's Configure Services!

After completing the basic settings, it's time to configure the each services. Experience robust permission management through QueryPie's detailed access control features. Once the service-specific settings are complete, you can review the access and execution logs of administrators and users in the Audit menu. Additionally, take advantage of the Discovery feature to identify sensitive information and explore the next-generation discovery functionality.

Recommended Steps

Setup Items


Configuring Database Access Control


Configuring Server Access Control


Configuring Kubernetes Access Control


Reviewing Audit Logs


Using Data Discovery

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