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QueryPie 10.2.0 Release 


New Feature

  • [General] Added multi-language global configuration

  • [General] Added user password security rule settings

  • [DAC] Supported Hive data policies (Data Access, Data Masking, Sensitive Data)

  • [SAC] Added support for OTP engine types when integrated with Vault

  • [Workflow] Added an Unmasking Request feature for masking removal requests

  • [Workflow] Supported execution plan functionality in SQL Requests


  • [General] Added Message Template Variables (workflowUuid, urgent, executedAt) in Alerts

  • [General] Updated job execution and result processing to handle success/failure per individual item rather than globally

  • [IDP] Masked API token values for Okta Sync

  • [IDP] Added a Dry Run feature for Okta, Onelogin, and LDAP synchronization

  • [DAC] Enabled a Dry Run feature for cloud synchronization

  • [DAC] Added a search feature on the Policy Detail page

  • [DAC] Supported Ed25519 password encryption for MariaDB

  • [DAC] Added Primary Key support in DML Snapshot for UPDATE queries

  • [DAC] Added tooltips for connection name and host in the connection popup in the web editor

  • [DAC] Increased the maximum character limit for reason input fields to 300

  • [DAC] Fixed display errors on the connection detail page for permissions handled as long-term inactive

  • [DAC] Adjusted MySQL Prepared Statements to log parameter information in the Audit

  • [SAC] Applied terminal color themes per server

  • [SAC] Added Test Connections feature for individual servers within Server Groups

  • [SAC] Allowed port number specification during server synchronization

  • [Audit] Enabled KAC Audit Log export functionality

  • [Audit] Added multi-select functionality for SQL Type filters in the Query Audit menu

  • [Workflow] Supported External API for user-specific approvals

  • [Agent] Enhanced the Host input process to navigate directly to the web login page

  • [AIDD] Added an AI classifier

  • [AIDD] Improved false positive handling, stability, and added a dashboard widget

Bug Fix

  • [General] Resolved issue where users were logged out before reaching session timeout threshold

  • [General] Fixed issue where resetting the password failed for accounts with User Admin Role policy

  • [DAC] Fixed issue where NewLine characters were not displayed when querying or modifying grids

  • [DAC] Resolved issue where Materialized Views could not be queried when applying QSI to PostgreSQL

  • [SAC] Fixed issue where "Server Group not found" error occurred when deleted servers existed

  • [DAC] Resolved issue where queries executed normally on MongoDB via Agent were logged as "Stopped"

  • [DAC] Fixed issue where DB Access History showed "Failure" when MongoDB connection via Agent was successful

  • [DAC] Resolved issue where the USE statement failed for databases starting with numbers on some vendors

  • [DAC] Fixed error where synchronization failed due to exceptions when there were no permissions on specific resources

  • [DAC] Resolved issue where Oracle Proxy did not function correctly when identical BLOB data existed

  • [DAC] Fixed issue where Proxy connection was intermittently terminated when Oracle usage was high

  • [DAC] Updated AWS cloud synchronization to skip instances in Modifying state

  • [DAC] Fixed Unauthorized error when querying Oracle after Agent connection

  • [Audit] Resolved issue where multiple logout logs were generated during session timeout

  • [Audit] Addressed memory issue when exporting logs with large Query Full Text content

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