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[Internal Network] Forward Slack DM Workflow Results


Enabling Slack DM Notifications allows approvers in the workflow to approve or reject within Slack. If QueryPie is located within the internal network, opening inbound communication from the Slack service IP ranges is necessary to receive approval/rejection results. However, since Slack does not disclose its IP ranges, direct reception is hard to achieve.

As a result, a resource capable of serving as a reverse proxy to receive and deliver workflow approval/rejection results from Slack in the middle of inbound communication between Slack and QueryPie is needed. As a workaround, we introduce the use of Okta's workflows, which relatively disclose its allowed IP ranges, to route requests and deliver them. Through this method, you can complete the workflow processing between Slack and QueryPie without requiring separate operational resources.

Reference Link:

You should verify the IP range of the corresponding tenant by referring to the Okta IP range allowlist within the page. Preemptive inbound traffic exceptions should be allowed accordingly.

To implement the following measures, a subscription to the Okta IAM service is required, and access to the Okta Workflows service must be available. [Even if you are not subscribed to the Okta Workflows license, if you have at least a Universal Directory (UD) + Single Sign-On (SSO) licenses, you can activate Okta Workflows through a case opening and utilize up to 5 flows for free.]

Set Up Okta Workflows

To configure these settings, users need to have permission to access the Okta Workflows console. Okta Super Administrator privileges are required, and users must be assigned to the Okta Workflows application to access it.

  1. You can download pre-built Okta workflow templates in advance through the link provided below.

  2. Click on Workflow > Workflows console within the Okta Administrator Console. (Accessible only by Okta Super Administrators.)

    Workflow > Workflows console

  3. Navigate to the Flows tab and within the Folder menu on the left side, click on the > ↓ Import button.

    Flows > ⋮ > ↓ Import

  4. Drag and drop the downloaded workflow file to create the flow immediately.

    Import to folder “{{target folder}}“

  5. Click on the created workflow to enter its details.

    Flows > Folders > target folder

  6. Within the Compose card in the middle of the workflow template, update the URL string with the correct QueryPie domain address.

    https://{{querypie domain}}/api/slack/callback

  7. Click on the 'Unknown Connection' at the top of the Post card on the far right, then click on +New connection. Then on a separate browser tab, proceed to the QueryPie page.

    Post > Unknown Connection > + New connection

  8. Navigate to QueryPie > Settings > General Settings > System > API Token, click on + Create API Token to generate a token, then copy the token value. (Accessible by Owner and Approval Admin)

    Settings > General Settings > System > API Token > + Create API Token

  9. Return to the Okta Workflows screen and fill in the following values, then click the Create button.

    Post > Unknown Connection > + New connection

    1. Connection Nickname : Enter an easily identifiable connector name (e.g., QueryPie).

    2. Auth Type : Custom

    3. Header Name : Authorization

    4. Header Value : Paste the API Token value copied from QueryPie.

  10. Click on the ⏻ Flow is OFF button in the top right corner of the flow, then activate the Flow is OFF toggle at the bottom.

    ⏻ Flow is OFF

  11. Click the Save button to save and activate the flow.

  12. Click on the </> button at the bottom of the API Endpoint card on the far left of the flow.

    API Endpoint > </>

  13. Press the copy button to copy the Invoke URL address to be reflected in the Slack App.

    API endpoint settings > Invoke URL > copy

Reconfigure Slack App

  1. Go to and click on the QueryPie app that was previously created.

  2. Navigate to Features > Interactivity & Shortcuts, then replace the Request URL address at the bottom of Interactivity with the Invoke URL address copied from the Okta workflow, previously located at {QueryPie URL}/api/slack/callback. Click the Save Changes button at the bottom to save the configuration changes.

  3. Afterward, when the approver in Slack attempts to approve/reject the workflow again, you should be able to confirm that the process reaches QueryPie through Okta workflow and is successfully processed, depending on the result.

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