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Grant and Revoke Kubernetes Roles


Administrators can grant or revoke roles with Kubernetes API access permissions to users or user groups.

Granting Kubernetes Roles


Administrator > Kubernetes > K8s Access Control > Access Control

  1. Navigate to the Administrator > Kubernetes > K8s Access Control > Access Control menu.

  2. Choose the user or user group to whom you want to grant a role and go to their details page.

  3. Click the + Grant Roles button on the right side of the Roles tab. Then, check the checkbox next to the role you want to grant and specify the expiration date.

    1. You can search for roles by name.

    2. Roles that are already assigned will have their checkboxes disabled.

    3. The list displays the following information for each role:

      1. Name : Role name (provides a link to view role details in a new window)

      2. Description : Detailed description of the role

      3. Assigned Policies : List of policies assigned to the role

    4. Expiration Date : You must specify an expiration date.

      • The default is set to one year from the current date, with a maximum limit of one year.

  4. Click the Grant button to assign the selected roles.

  5. (Click Cancel to close the modal without making any changes.)

Revoking Kubernetes Roles

  1. Navigate to the Administrator > Kubernetes > K8s Access Control > Access Control menu.

  2. Choose the user or user group from whom you want to revoke a role and go to their details page.

  3. In the Roles tab, check the box next to the roles you want to revoke or use the Select All checkbox. Then, click the Revoke button that appears in the column bar.

  4. In the confirmation window, click Revoke to remove the selected roles from the user or group, causing them to disappear from the list.

  5. (Click Cancel to close the confirmation window without making any changes.)

When a role is revoked, all access permissions granted to the user or group through that role are also revoked.

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