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Admin Role History


This page allows you to view the history of granting and revoking administrator roles in QueryPie.

When granting or revoking administrator roles to a specific user in the Administrator > General > User Management > Users menu, the history is recorded in the Admin Role History.

Viewing Admin Role History

스크린샷 2024-07-22 오후 7.04.05.png

Administrator > Audit > General > Admin Role History

  1. Navigate to the Administrator > Audit > General > Admin Role History menu.

  2. Logs of administrator role grants or revocations are displayed from the most recent to the oldest based on the Action At date.

    1. Name : User's display name.

    2. Description : Detailed description of the granted administrator role.

    3. Action By : The entity that granted or revoked the administrator role (displayed as System in case of automatic revocation).

  3. Supported search criteria include:

    1. Name : User's display name.

    2. Action Type : Event name.

      • Admin Role Granted

      • Admin Role Revoked

  4. You can also filter logs based on the event occurrence date (Action At).

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