DB Access History
This section records the history of DB connection attempts and disconnections managed by the organization.
Viewing DB Access History

Administrator > Audit > Databases > DB Access History
Navigate to the Administrator > Audit > Databases > DB Access History menu.
Logs are displayed in descending order for the current month.
You can search the logs using the search bar at the top left of the table with the following criteria:
Name: User's name
Error Message: Phrase in the access error message
Client IP: User's IP address
Click the filter button to the right of the search field to filter logs using AND/OR conditions with the following options:
Connection Name: Name of the DB connection
Database Type: Type of the database
Action Type: Whether it was a connect or disconnect attempt
Result: Whether the connection was successful or failed
Action At: Time of the connection attempt
Click the refresh button at the top right of the table to update the log list.
The table provides the following column information:
No: Event identification number
Action At: Date and time of the DB connection attempt
Action Type: Whether it was a connect or disconnect attempt
Result: Whether the connection was successful or failed
Name: User's name
Email: User's email
Cloud Provider: Name of the cloud provider
Connection Name: Name of the DB connection
Database Type: Type of the database
Privilege Name: User's access privilege
Client IP: User's client IP address
Replication Type: Type of DB replication
DB Host: Connected DB host
DB User: DB user ID
DB Name: Name of the database
Client Name: Name of the client used (e.g., DataGrip)
Error Message: Records of connection failures or other issues
Connected From: Connection method
Viewing DB Access History Details
Click on any row to view detailed information about the event.

Administrator > Audit > Databases > DB Access History > DB Access History Details
The drawer on the right displays the following information:
Result: Whether the connection was successful or failed
Name: User's name
Action At: Time of the connection attempt
Action Type: Whether it was a connect or disconnect attempt
Privilege Name: User's access privilege
Connection Name: Name of the DB connection
Host Name: Name of the host executing the connection
Connected From: Connection method
Client Name: Name of the client used (e.g., DataGrip)
Client IP: User's client IP address
Replication Type: Type of DB replication
Database Type: Type of the database
DB Host: Connected DB host
DB Name: Name of the database
DB User: DB user ID
Error Message: Records of connection failures or other issues