DML Snapshots
QueryPie records pre- and post-data snapshots when INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE queries are executed. These snapshots are saved if the DML Snapshot setting is enabled for each DB connection. (Refer to Additional Settings in DB Connections for more details.)
Viewing DML Snapshots

Administrator > Audit > Databases > DML Snapshots
Navigate to the Administrator > Audit > Databases > DML Snapshots menu.
Logs are displayed in descending order for the current month.
You can search the logs using the search bar at the top left of the table by the user's name.
Click the filter button to the right of the search field to filter logs using AND/OR conditions with the following options:
Connection Name: Name of the DB connection
Executed At: Date and time of execution
Statement: Type of statement (Insert/Update/Delete)
Click the refresh button at the top right of the table to update the log list.
The table provides the following column information:
No: Event identification number
Executed At: Date and time of execution
Name: User's name
Email: User's email
Statement: Type of statement (Insert/Update/Delete)
Connection Name: Name of the DB connection
Database Type: Type of the database
Replication Type: Type of DB replication
DB Host: Connected DB host
DB User: DB user ID
DB Name: Name of the database
Table(s): Name of the table(s) involved
Query: Executed query statement
Time(ms): Execution time in milliseconds
Rows: Number of rows affected
Executed From: Source of the query execution
Viewing DML Snapshot Details
Click on any row to view detailed information about the DML snapshot.

Administrator > Audit > Databases > DML Snapshots > DML Snapshot Details
The drawer on the right displays the following basic query audit information:
Name: User's name
Executed At: Date and time of execution
Connection Name: Name of the DB connection
Replication Type: Type of DB replication
Statement: Type of statement (Insert/Update/Delete)
Time(ms): Execution time in milliseconds
Rows: Number of rows affected
Executed From: Source of the query execution
Database Type: Type of the database
DB Host: Connected DB host
DB Name: Name of the database
DB User: DB user ID
Table(s): Name of the table(s) involved
At the bottom, the executed query statement and pre- and post-data are displayed:
Query: Executed query statement
{database.table}: Name of the target table
Before: Data before query execution
After: Data after query execution
Copy Data: Button to copy pre/post data