Running Queries
You can view currently running queries in QueryPie. Once a query execution is completed, the details are recorded in the Query Audit log.
Viewing Running Queries

Administrator > Audit > Databases > Running Queries
Navigate to the Administrator > Audit > Databases > Running Queries menu.
Logs are displayed in descending order for the current day.
Click the filter button at the top left of the table to filter logs using AND/OR conditions with the following options:
SQL Type: Type of SQL statement
Action At: Date and time range of query execution
Executed From: Source of the query execution
Web Editor: Executed from the QueryPie web editor
Proxy: Executed through QueryPie proxy
SQL Request: Executed through the SQL Request workflow
SQL Job: Executed by an SQL Job
SQL Export Request: Executed through the SQL Export Request workflow
Click the refresh button at the top right of the table to update the log list.
The table provides the following column information:
No: Event identification number
Executed At: Date and time of query execution
Name: User's name
Email: User's email
Action Type: Type of action
Connection Name: Name of the DB connection
Database Type: Type of the database
Privilege Name: User's access privilege
Client IP: User's client IP address
Replication Type: Type of DB replication
DB Host: Connected DB host
DB Name: Name of the database
DB User: DB user ID
Table(s): Name of the table(s) involved
SQL Type: Type of SQL statement
Query: Executed query statement
Client Name: Name of the client used (e.g., DataGrip)
Execution Reason: Reason for executing the query
Executed From: Source of the query execution
Viewing Running Query Details
Click on any row to view detailed information about the running query.

Administrator > Audit > Databases > Running Queries > Running Query Details
The drawer on the right displays the following information:
Name: User's name
Action Type: Type of action
Privilege Name: User's access privilege
Privilege Type: Type of user access privilege
SQL Type: Type of SQL statement
Executed From: Source of the query execution
Connection Name: Name of the DB connection
Replication Type: Type of DB replication
Client Name: Name of the client used (e.g., DataGrip)
Client IP: User's client IP address
Database Type: Type of the database
DB Host: Connected DB host
DB Name: Name of the database
DB User: DB user ID
Table(s): Name of the table(s) involved
Query: Executed query statement