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Server Access History


Server access history logs the connection attempts and access details for servers managed by your organization.

Viewing Server Access History


Administrator > Audit > Servers > Server Access History

  1. Navigate to the Administrator > Audit > Servers > Server Access History menu.

  2. Logs are displayed in descending order for the current month.

  3. You can search the logs using the search bar at the top left of the table by the following criteria:

    1. Name: User's name

    2. Email: User's email

    3. Account: Server access account

    4. Server Name: Name of the accessed server

    5. Host: Host of the accessed server

    6. Client IP: User's IP address

    7. Client Name: User's connection method

    8. Role: Role used during access

  4. Click the filter button to the right of the search field to filter logs using AND/OR conditions with the following options:

    1. Server OS: Operating system of the accessed server

    2. Protocol: Protocol used during access

    3. Result: Result of the access attempt

    4. Action Type: Whether the action was a connect or disconnect

    5. Action At: Date and time of the access attempt

  5. Click the refresh button at the top right of the table to update the log list.

  6. The table provides the following column information:

    1. No: Event identification number

    2. Action At: Date and time of the server access attempt

    3. Result: Whether the access was successful or failed

      1. (tick) Success

      2. (오류) Failure

    4. Name: User's name

    5. Email: User's email

    6. Role: Role used during access

    7. Account: Server access account

    8. Server Name: Name of the accessed server

    9. Server OS: Operating system of the accessed server

    10. Host: Host of the accessed server

    11. Port: Port used during access

    12. Protocol: Protocol used during access

    13. Client IP: User's client IP address

    14. Client Name: User's connection method

    15. Message: Any additional notes or error messages, particularly in cases of access failure

Viewing Server Access History Details

To view detailed information about a specific access event, click on a row in the table to open the details.


Administrator > Audit > Servers > Server Access History > Server Access History Details

  • The drawer on the right side will display the following information:

    1. Result: Whether the server access was successful or failed

      1. (tick) Success

      2. (오류) Failure

    2. Name: User's name

    3. Action At: Date and time of the access attempt

    4. Action Type: Whether the action was a connect or disconnect

    5. Connected From: Method of connection

    6. Role: Role used during access

    7. Command Audit: Review commands executed during this session

    8. Session Log: Review session recordings for this connection

    9. Server Name: Name of the accessed server

    10. Server OS: Operating system of the accessed server

    11. Host: Host of the accessed server

    12. Port: Port used during access

    13. Account: Server access account

    14. Protocol: Protocol used during access

    15. Client Name: User's connection method

    16. Client IP: User's client IP address

    17. Message: Any additional notes or error messages

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