Server Role History
This page records the history of role grants and revocations for server access roles assigned to users and groups within QueryPie.
Viewing Server Role History

Administrator > Audit > Servers > Server Role History
Navigate to the Administrator > Audit > Servers > Server Role History menu.
Logs are displayed in descending order based on the current month.
You can search using the following criteria in the search bar at the top left of the table:
Name: The user’s name
Email: The user’s email
Role Name: The name of the server access role
You can apply additional filters by clicking the filter button on the right side of the search field with the following options:
Event: The event type
Role Granted: Records of role grants
Role Revoked: Records of role revocations
Action At: The date range for the role grant/revocation
Use the refresh button at the top right of the table to update the log list.
The table provides the following column details:
No: Event ID number
Action At: The date and time of the role grant/revocation
Event: The event type related to the role
Role Granted: The role was granted to the user/group
Role Revoked: The role was revoked from the user/group
User Type: The type of user/group
Name: The name of the user/group
Email: The email of the user
Not displayed for groups
Role Name: The name of the role granted/revoked
Expiration Date: The expiration date of the role (or scheduled revocation)
Action By: The name of the administrator who performed the role grant/revocation or “System”
Viewing Server Role History Details
Click on any row to view detailed information.

Administrator > Audit > Servers > Server Role History > Server Role History Details
The top section displays the following details related to the event:
Action At: The date and time of the role grant/revocation
Name: The name of the user/group
Event: The event type related to the role grant/revocation
Email: The email of the user
Action By: The name of the administrator who performed the role grant/revocation or “System”
Role Name: The name of the role
Expiration Date: The expiration date of the role (or scheduled revocation)
The lower section lists the policies associated with the granted or revoked role:
Name: The name of the assigned policy
Description: The detailed description of the assigned policy
Version: The version of the assigned policy
Clicking on the policy name opens a pop-up modal where you can view the policy code.
The policy snapshot shows the state of the policy at the time it was granted.
This record remains even if the policy is later deleted.
The modal displays the policy name, description, and code.
To close the modal, click the
button or theX
at the top right corner.