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Session Logs


Session Logs record the sessions of server access managed by your organization. Administrators can monitor user activities within the server by replaying recorded sessions.

Viewing Session Logs


Administrator > Audit > Servers > Session Logs

  1. Navigate to the Administrator > Audit > Servers > Session Logs menu.

  2. The logs are displayed in descending order in the table.

  3. You can search the logs using the search bar at the top left of the table by the following criteria:

    1. Name: User's name

    2. Email: User's email

    3. Account: Server access account

    4. Server Name: Name of the accessed server

    5. Host: Server host

    6. Client IP: User's IP address

    7. Client Name: User's connection method

  4. Click the filter button to the right of the search field to filter logs by adjusting the time range for Action At.

    1. Server OS: Operating system of the accessed server

    2. Protocol: Protocol used during the session

    3. Action At: Time of session

    4. Connected From: Connection method

  5. Click the refresh button at the top right of the table to update the log list.

  6. The table provides the following column information:

    1. No: Event identification number

    2. Action At: Start time of the session recording

    3. Name: User's name

    4. Email: User's email

    5. Role: Role used during server access

    6. Account: Server access account

    7. Server Name: Name of the accessed server

    8. Server OS: Operating system of the accessed server

    9. Host: Server host

    10. Port: Port used during access

    11. Protocol: Protocol used during the session

    12. Client IP: User's client IP address

    13. Client Name: User's connection method

    14. Connected From: Source of connection

      1. Web

      2. Proxy

Playing Session Records

To replay a recorded session, you may click the Action At link in the table and access the session playback.

The playback interface will vary depending on the size of the recorded file:

  1. If the file is under 700MB:

    1. The top section displays basic information, and the bottom section shows the replay screen.

    2. Name: Name of the user who initiated the session

    3. Action At: Start time of the session

    4. Session Record: Name of the recorded session

    5. Press the Play button to start the session replay.

      1. Use the Pause button to stop the playback.

      2. Drag the line next to the buttons or click on the desired point in the timeline to replay from that point.

    6. Click Close to exit the playback screen.

  2. If the file is over 700MB:

    1. A message indicating that the session cannot be played will be displayed, along with a Download button.

      1. The file exceeds 700MB, and the session cannot be replayed directly.

      2. To view this session, download the file and play it locally.

    2. Click the Download button to begin the download, creating a file on your local machine.

      1. If the Export a file with Encryption option is set to Required under Administrator > General > Company Management > Security > Others, an encryption modal will appear before the download process begins.


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