Session Monitoring
You can monitor existing server sessions made through QueryPie and forcibly terminate active sessions if necessary.
Viewing Session Monitoring

Administrator > Audit > Servers > Session Monitoring
Navigate to the Administrator > Audit > Servers > Session Monitoring menu.
The current active sessions are displayed.
You can search the active sessions using the search bar at the top left of the table by the following criteria:
Server Name: Name of the accessed server
At the bottom, the names of users currently connected to the server are displayed.
Account: Server access account
Protocol: Protocol used during the session
Connected At: Time of connection
Connected From: Source of connection
Forcibly Terminating a Session

Navigate to the Administrator > Audit > Servers > Session Monitoring menu.
View the current active sessions.
Click the checkbox in front of the session you want to terminate.
Click the Kill Session button.
In the popup that appears, click OK to confirm the termination.
Please note that forcibly terminating a session does not block the user. If necessary, you should take additional steps to block the user separately.