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Synchronize Server Resources in AWS​


QueryPie supports integration with AWS for server registration and management. By synchronizing resources from AWS, you can register and manage servers in QueryPie, grant access permissions to users and groups, and set policies for the synchronized servers. Additionally, you can automatically add scale-out servers to server groups, applying predefined access permissions.

Registering AWS Integration in QueryPie


Administrator > Servers > Connection Management > Cloud Providers > Create Provider

  1. Navigate to the Administrator > Servers > Connection Management > Cloud Providers menu.

  2. Click the + Create Provider button in the upper right corner.

  3. Name: Enter a name to distinguish the provider.

  4. Cloud Provider: Select Amazon Web Services.

  5. Region: Choose the region where the resources to be synchronized are located.

  6. Credential: Enter the credentials required for synchronization.

    1. Refer to the Setting Up Credential Types section below for more details.

  7. Search Filter: Use this option to fetch a list of resource types you want to synchronize.

    1. The search filter operates similarly to AWS search methods, allowing you to use values such as names and tags for filtering.

      1. Enter the Key value → Select the search condition → Enter the Value

    2. For more detailed usage instructions, refer to the User Guide for Linux Instances (AWS).

  8. Replication Frequency: Choose the synchronization method.

    • Manual: A method where synchronization is performed manually only when desired.

    • Scheduling: A method that synchronizes resources through periodic scheduling. Cron expressions are provided.

  9. Port: Allow you to specify the default ports of the servers to be synchronized when importing servers. This applies only during the initial synchronization.

  10. Click the Save button to store the Cloud Provider settings.

Q: I clicked the Save button, but I'm getting an error message saying "Already exists cloud provider."

A: If there is already a Cloud Provider registered with the same Region using Default Credentials, you cannot register another one due to duplication. To resolve this, please try registering with a different Region, and the save operation should proceed successfully.

Setting Up Credential Types

  • Default Credentials: If the QueryPie server is installed in the same AWS account, you can assign the AmazonEC2ReadOnlyAccess policy to the EC2 instance where QueryPie is installed to synchronize resources within the same AWS account.

  • Cross Account Role: You can create an IAM role to synchronize resources from another AWS account. Follow the steps displayed on the screen to create the required permissions and assign the policy.

  • Profile Credential: You can create an IAM role to synchronize resources from another AWS account.

  • Access Key: With this authentication method, synchronization can only be performed manually. After saving, click the Synchronize button on the Provider detail page, enter the AWS account's Access Key, and perform a one-time synchronization.

Synchronizing and Managing AWS Cloud Providers


Administrator > Servers > Connection Management > Cloud Providers > List Details

  1. Navigate to the Administrator > Servers > Connection Management > Cloud Providers menu.

  2. Click on the registered Cloud Provider to open the details screen.

  3. Click the Dry run button in the upper right corner to preview the servers that will be synchronized from AWS. Note that the Dry run results are not saved.

  4. Click the Sychronize button in the upper right corner to sync resources from AWS.

  5. You can monitor synchronization progress in the Synchronization Log or view the history under Administrator > General > Systems > Jobs.

  6. Once a Cloud Provider is registered, certain provider details cannot be modified:

    1. Name: Changeable

    2. Cloud Provider: Not changeable

    3. Region: Not changeable

    4. Credential: Not changeable

    5. Role ARN: Not changeable

    6. Search Filter : Changeable

    7. Replication Frequency : Changeable (except when the credential type is Access Key)

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