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Multi-Factor Authentication Configuration


What is Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)?

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is a security method that requires additional authentication information beyond just a password. Common additional authentication methods include physical or virtual OTPs (One Time Passwords), biometric verification, and email.

In QueryPie, administrators can set Google OTP or Email as the second authentication method from the admin page.

Specifying MFA Methods

To specify the MFA method, the Authentication Type must be set to either Internal Database or LDAP. To set Email as an MFA method, Email Integration must be configured first.

  • Navigate to the Admin > General > User Management > Authentication.

  • Case when the Authentication Type is set to Internal Database:


    MFA Settings for Authentication Type - Internal Database:

  • Case when the Authentication Type is set to LDAP:


    MFA Configuration for Authentication Type - LDAP

Using MFA for Server Access

This setting can only be used if the Server Access Control (SAC) license is activated.

  • Navigate to the Admin > General > Company Management > Security.

  • Under the Server Connection Security section, set Access Server with MFA to "Enable" and select either Google OTP or Email for the MFA Type. (The default value for Access Server with MFA is Disable.)


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