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On the Roles page, you can manage various administrative roles within QueryPie. This document provides guidance on configuring administrative roles, the types of policies, and how to manage these roles effectively.

Configuring an Administrator Role

Administrator roles in QueryPie are composed of roles and policies.

  • Administrator Roles: These are units assigned to users, comprising a set of policies.

    • Default roles are labeled as Created by System.

      • The owner role has full authority over the entire QueryPie system and is restricted from modification or deletion.

      • Other roles can be modified and utilized as needed.

    • In addition to default roles, users can create custom roles.

  • Administrator Policies: These are collections of permissions.

    • Individual policies define access rights to specific menus and detailed functionalities within the administrator page.

    • Addition, modification, and deletion of policy levels are not permitted.

Viewing Administrator Roles

On the Roles page, you can view the currently registered administrator roles. You can search by name.

  • The default administrator roles provided by QueryPie are labeled as Created by System.

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Administrator > General > User Management > Roles

The Owner role is an administrator role with full access to the QueryPie system and cannot be modified or deleted.

Viewing Administrator Role Details

In the Roles list, click on the role you want to view details for to enter the detailed page.

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Administrator > General > User Management > Roles > List Details

The Detail tab displays the list of policies assigned to the currently viewed administrator role.

Assigning Policies to an Administrator Role

  1. In the Roles list, click on the administrator role to which you want to assign additional policies to enter the detail page. Click the Assign Policies button to open the modal.

  2. The modal will display a list of policies that are not currently assigned to that role. Click on the desired policies to add them, and then click the Assign button to save the changes.

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  1. On the administrator role detail page, you can view the list of newly assigned policies.

Removing Policies from an Administrator Role

In the Roles list, access the detail page of the administrator role from which you want to remove policies. In the Detail tab, check the policies you wish to remove from the policy list and click the Delete button. Confirm the removal by clicking OK in the confirmation modal.

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Administrator > General > User Management > Roles > List Details

Updating an Administrator Role

In the Roles list, navigate to the detailed page of the administrator role you wish to modify. Click the Edit button to open the modification modal, where you can update the role's name and description.

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Role Modification Modal

Deleting an Administrator Role

There are two ways to delete administrator roles that are no longer in use.

When an administrator role is deleted, it is immediately revoked from all users who were assigned that role. Since role deletion cannot be undone, please proceed with caution. Image있음 안에

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Deleting an Administrator Role from the Roles List

In the Roles list, select the role you wish to delete by checking the corresponding checkbox. Then, click the Delete button in the table header. In the confirmation modal, correctly enter the deletion confirmation phrase “DELETE” and click the Delete button to complete the removal of the administrator role.

스크린샷 2024-07-26 오후 1.28.01.png

Administrator > General > User Management > Roles

Deleting an Administrator Role from a Detail Page

From the Roles list, navigate to the detail page of the administrator role you want to delete. Click the Delete button to open the confirmation modal, then correctly enter the confirmation text "DELETE" and click the Delete button to complete the deletion of the administrator role.

스크린샷 2024-07-26 오후 1.39.11.png

Administrator > General > User Management > Roles > List Details

Reference: Types of Administrator Policies

You can check the permissions for each administrator policy and the QueryPie product license information required for each policy to be activated below:

Policy Name



User Management Full Access

Can access and modify Users and Groups menu


User Management Read Only

Can access Users and Groups menu


Group Management Full Access

Can access and modify Group menu


Group Management Read Only

Can access Groups menu


General Setting Full Access

Can access and modify General menu


Security Setting Full Access

Can access and modify Security menu


Allowed Zone Full Access

Can access and modify Allowed Zones menu


Alert Setting Full Access

Can access and modify Alert menu


Channel Setting Full Access

Can access and modify Channel menu


License Page Full Access

Can access License menu


Authentication Setting Full Access

Can access and modify Authentication menu


Workflow Lists Full Access

Can access All Requests menu


Approval Rule Setting Full Access

Can access and modify Approval menu


API Token Setting Full Access

Can access and modify API Token menu


Job Page Full Access

Can access Jobs menu


Integration Page Full Access

Can access and modify Integration menu


System Properties Full Access

Can access System Properties menu


Database Connection Management Full Access

Can access and modify Connection Management menu

DAC Only

Database Access Control Full Access

Can access and modify DB Access Control menu

DAC Only

Database Policy Management Full Access

Can access and modify Database Policies menu

DAC Only

Proxy Management Full Access

Can access Proxy Management menu

DAC Only

Database Ledger Policy Full Access

Can access and modify Ledger Management menu

DAC Only

Masking Pattern Setting Full Access

Can access and modify Masking Pattern menu

DAC Only

Server Connection Management Full Access

Can access and modify Server Management menu

SAC Only

Server Access Control Full Access

Can access and modify Server Access Control menu

SAC Only

General Audit Full Access

Can access General Audit menu and export logs and report


Database Audit Full Access

Can access Database Audit menu and export logs and report

DAC Only

Server Audit Full Access

Can access Server Audit menu and export logs and report

SAC Only

DB Access Request Approval Permission

Can access and modify Profile Editor setting

DAC Only

SQL Request Approval Permission

Can approve SQL Request as an approver

DAC Only

SQL Export Request Approval Permission

Can approve Data Export Request as an approver

DAC Only

Server Access Request Approval Permission

Can approve Server Access Request as an approver

SAC Only

Access Role Request Approval Permission

Can approve Access Role Request as an approver


SCIM Provisioning and API Token Management Access

Can manage SCIM Provisioning status and API Token


Kubernetes Connection Management Full Access

Can access and modify Connection Management menu


Kubernetes Access Control Full Access

Can access and modify Kubernetes Access Control menu


Kubernetes Audit Full Access

Can access Kubernetes Audit menu and export logs and report


Discovery Management Full Access

Can access and modify Discovery menu


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