DB Security Settings
The QueryPie system can enforce security policies across the databases that users access. This includes prompting users to provide reasons for their database operations, automatically revoking permissions for databases that remain inactive for an extended period, and providing a sample of the top 10 rows of results during query auditing.
Force Entering Reasons for DB Operations
When executing operations such as querying, creating, altering, deleting, or extracting important information like computerized ledgers or personal data, QueryPie enables users to input reasons as an additional layer of verification for the relevant personnel in charge.

Reason entry prompt

Settings > General Settings > Company Management > Security
From the General Settings menu, navigate to the Company Management > Security menu.
Define the reason entry policy for each operation in DB Connection Security: Its Purpose.
Export Schema Purpose: Set whether to require a reason when exporting data via Export > SQL > Schema.
Import Schema Purpose: Set whether to require a reason when importing data via Import > SQL > Schema.
Export Data Purpose: Set whether to require a reason when exporting data via Export > CSV / JSON / EXCEL.
Import Data Purpose: Set whether to require a reason when importing data via Import > CSV / JSON / EXCEL.
SQL Execution Purpose: Set whether to require a reason when executing SQL queries and looking up tables.
Save Changes
on the top right to apply the changes.
Set Up DB Access Privilege Deactivation
For every database access permission assigned to a user in QueryPie, you have the option to set up an automatic permission revocation mechanism if there's no access activity recorded within a specified timeframe. If you wish to restore database access for a user or group, refer to this.

Settings > General Settings > Company Management > Security
In the General Settings menu, navigate to the Company Management > Security menu.
Under DB Connection Security: Its Purpose, define the Privilege Deactivation Period policy. The default value is set to 90 days. If there is no activity recorded for accessing a privileged database within this duration, the account status is automatically changed to Deactivated.
Save Changes
in the upper right corner to implement the adjustments.
Set the Result Display When Auditing Queries
Enabling this feature allows the QueryPie system to store and display the results of the top 10 rows from a SELECT statement during query auditing. By default, this feature is turned off (disabled). When enabled, Query Audit will include this information, as illustrated below.

Audit > Databases > Query Audit > Query Audit Details

Settings > General Settings > Company Management > Security
From the General Settings menu, navigate to the Company Management > Security menu.
Under DB Connection Security: Its Purpose, turn on the
Display the first 10 rows in Query Audit
Save Changes
in the upper-right corner to apply your changes.
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