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Command Templates


You can manage templates for restricted commands that are not allowed after connecting to servers managed by your organization. Once a command template is set up, it can be reused when configuring access permissions. Command restriction is string-based, and support for regular expressions is also available.


Administrator > Servers > Server Access Control > Command Templates

Setting Up a Restricted Command Template

Server access policies can be configured in the Policies menu. For detailed instructions, refer to the commandsRef section in the Configure Server Policies guide.


Administrator > Servers > Server Access Control > Command Templates > Create Command Template

  1. Navigate to the Administrator > Servers > Server Access Control > Command Templates menu.

  2. Click the + Create Template button at the top right.

  3. Enter the following information for each field to configure the policy:

    • Restrict Commands (SSH): Set up the command policy for commands executed through the web terminal on the server.

      1. Keyword: Enter the restricted commands as keywords.

      2. RegExr: Enter the restricted commands as regular expressions.

    • Restrict Commands (SFTP): Set up the policy for actions executed through the web SFTP on the server. You can restrict actions such as deleting directories/files, uploading files, downloading files, and creating directories.

  4. Click the Save button at the bottom right to finalize the configuration.

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