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Discovery Jobs


To locate and classify sensitive information, it is first necessary to create a Discovery job. This involves managing the creation, modification, and deletion of these jobs. Additionally, it is possible to manually start a specific job or abort a running job.


Administrator > Discovery > Discovery Management > Discovery Jobs

Structure of a Discovery Job


A discovery job consists of data patterns, which contain the pattern information needed to extract sensitive information, and detection profiles, which are collections of one or more data patterns.
Since the job scans each data source, connection information defined in the access control system is required.
While jobs can be run manually, a schedule can also be set up for periodic execution. Queries are used to access each database and retrieve columns containing sensitive information; however, users cannot view, modify, or delete these queries.

Creating a Discovery Job

Click the + Discovery Jobs button on the Discovery job page to open the job creation page.

  1. Specify Data Source: Currently, the only supported data source is some RDBMS databases, with the "Database" option fixed. As features expand, options like Object Storage may become selectable.

  2. Select Connection: Choose the connection(s) to be scanned. Either select all available connections or specify particular ones. Scanning all connections can be time-consuming, so it is recommended to specify particular connections.

  3. Specify Sample Size: Scanning all columns can impose a load on the server, so it is possible to limit the scan to a specified number of rows. The minimum sample size is set to 100 rows to ensure reliability. While there is no maximum limit, selecting too large a value could severely impact server performance, so input values should be chosen carefully. The default value is 1,000 rows.

  4. Set Schedule: Jobs can be scheduled to run periodically by specifying a schedule in cron format. If "Manual" is selected, no schedule is set. Regardless of whether a schedule is set or manual execution is chosen, all Discovery jobs can be started manually from the Discovery job list.

  5. Assign Job Name: Provide a name for the job to facilitate easy identification. Job names must be unique; entering a duplicate name will result in an error message.

  6. Enter Description: Input a description for the job and save it.

Modifying a Discovery Job

To modify an existing job, click on a specific row in the Discovery job list. After making changes, click the Save Changes button to save the updates.

Deleting a Discovery Job


To delete a Discovery job, select the checkbox next to the specific job in the Discovery job list and click the Delete button. However, jobs that are currently running cannot be modified or deleted until they have been stopped.

Controlling Discovery Job Execution

  • Discovery Job Status Information:

    • Created : The job has been created but has not yet been executed.

    • Running : The job is currently in progress.

    • Completed : The job has been successfully completed.

    • Failed : The job was executed but failed.

    • Aborted : The job was forcibly stopped by the user during execution.

  • Manual Start of a Specific Job: To start a job manually, select the desired job from the list and click the Run Now button.

  • Aborting a Specific Running Job: To abort a job that is currently running, select the "Running" job from the list and click the Stop button.

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