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Kubernetes Role Historyㅤ


QueryPie records the history of granting and revoking Kubernetes roles assigned to QueryPie users/groups.

Viewing Kubernetes Role History


Administrator > Audit > Kubernetes > Kubernetes Role History

  1. Navigate to the Administrator > Audit > Kubernetes > Kubernetes Role History menu.

  2. Logs are displayed in descending order based on Action At, from 00:00 to 23:59 of the current month.

  3. You can use the search bar at the top left of the table to filter based on the following criteria:

    1. Name : User name

    2. Email : User email

    3. Role Name : Name of the Kubernetes access role

  4. You may click the filter button on the right of the search field to apply AND/OR conditions for filtering.

    1. Event : Type of Kubernetes role event

      1. Role Granted : History of role grants

      2. Role Revoked : History of role revocations

    2. User Type : Type of entity

      1. GROUP : Group

      2. USER : User

    3. Action At : Range of dates for Kubernetes API permission grants/revocations

  5. Click the refresh button at the top right of the table to update the log list.

  6. The table provides the following column information:

    1. No : Event identification number

    2. Action At : Date and time of role grant/revocation

    3. Event : Type of role-related event

      1. Role Granted : Event where a role was granted to a user/group

      2. Role Revoked : Event where a role was revoked from a user/group

    4. User Type : Type of entity

    5. Name : Name of the target user/group

    6. Email : Email of the target user

      1. For groups, displayed with a hyphen ('-')

    7. Role : Name of the granted/revoked role

    8. Expiration Date : Expiry date of the granted permission (scheduled revocation date)

    9. Action By : Administrator name or System who performed the role grant/revocation

Viewing Kubernetes Role History Details

  1. Clicking on each row allows you to view detailed information.


    Administrator > Audit > Kubernetes > Kubernetes Role History > Kubernetes Role History Details

    1. At the top, display basic information based on the event:

      1. Role Name : Name of the Kubernetes access role

        • Click the link to open the detailed page of the role in a new window

      2. Event : Event where a role was granted/revoked to a user/group

      3. Name : Name of the target user/group

      4. Email : Email of the target user

        1. For groups, displayed with a hyphen ('-')

      5. Action At : Date and time of role grant/revocation

      6. Action By : Administrator name or System who performed the role grant/revocation

      7. Expiration Date : Expiry date of the granted permission (scheduled revocation date)

    2. At the bottom, list policies assigned to the granted/revoked role:

      • Columns displayed:

        1. Name : Name of the assigned policy

        2. Description : Detailed description of the assigned policy

        3. Version : Version of the assigned policy

          • Click the link to view the policy code in a popup modal.

            1. Shows a snapshot of the policy at the time of assignment.

              • Records remain even if the policy is deleted.

            2. The modal displays the policy name and its code briefly.

            3. Click the Close button or the X in the upper right corner to close the modal.

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