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Kubernetes Logs


All activities within QueryPie are recorded in audit logs. This includes user and administrator logins/logouts, permission grants and revocations, API operations on Kubernetes, changes to resources or security settings within QueryPie, and all other activities related to access-controlled resources. Audit logs capture a comprehensive history of these events in real-time and support searching and filtering based on various criteria.

Kubernetes Audit Log Types

When you hold a QueryPie Kubernetes Access Controller (QueryPie KAC) license, in addition to the common audit logs provided by QueryPie, you also receive the following types of audit logs:




  • User Access History

  • Activity Logs

  • Admin Role History


  • Request Audit

  • Pod Session Recordings

  • Kubernetes Role History

1. General

  • User Access History: Records of user logins and logouts.

  • Activity Logs: Records of administrator actions such as resource registration and settings changes.

  • Admin Role History: Records of administrator role assignments, changes, and revocations.

2. Kubernetes

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