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Ledger Management


The Ledger Table Policy is a concept that allows important tables within a database to be managed as ledgers. When a table is designated as a ledger, users must go through a workflow approval process before executing DML (Data Manipulation Language) queries on that table.

The Ledger Table Policy is available only when the relevant license is activated. For assistance in enabling this feature, please contact QueryPie's customer support team.

Administrators can configure ledger settings at the table level within a database through the Ledger Table Policy menu. By mapping a Ledger Approval Rule to a table, the table is immediately treated as a ledger table.

  • When a User Executes INSERT / UPDATE / DELETE Queries on a Ledger Table:

    • If a user attempts to modify a ledger table via INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE queries using the QueryPie Web Editor or a third-party editor, they will be prompted to submit an SQL Request workflow.

    • Within the SQL Request interface, the user can only select from the Ledger Approval Rules that the administrator has pre-assigned to the table. This process enforces approval and can also mandate the approval workflow, including the approval hierarchy.

  • When a User Executes SELECT Queries on a Ledger Table:

    • When a user runs a SELECT query on a ledger table using the QueryPie Web Editor, they may be required to provide a reason for executing the query.

    • However, it is important to note that this requirement cannot be enforced when using third-party editors.

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