MongoDB Configuration Guide
A dedicated detailed configuration guide for MongoDB is provided here.
Registering a MongoDB Connection
MongoDB is often configured in a multi-host structure using Replica Set or Sharded Cluster (Sharding) rather than a single-host setup. In such cases, you need to create a multi-host connection.
1. Understanding the MongoDB Connection String Structure
MongoDB uses two types of connection strings: standard and +srv.
< Standard Connection String Structure >
mongodb://[Hostname or IP]:[port],[Hostname or IP]:[port],[Hostname or IP]:[port]..../?[options]
: Standard connection string schemeHostname or IP: Fully qualified domain name or IP address of the MongoDB cluster members.
options: Options related to the connection that follow
. Use&
to separate multiple options.
When using a replica set, include replicaSet=[replica set name]
in the options. (e.g., /?replicaSet=rs0
< +srv Connection String Structure >
: +srv connection string schemeFQDN : Fully qualified domain name combining hostname and domain (e.g.,
).options : Connection-related options follow
. Multiple options are separated by&
Since the addresses of hosts in a cluster using +srv can change dynamically, QueryPie cannot directly use +srv for connections. Instead, it converts +srv to a standard connection string. However, this conversion process means direct access to sub-instances in a +srv connection is not supported. If direct access to sub-hosts in a +srv environment is necessary, use the nslookup command to find each host's information through DNS queries and create a connection using a standard connection string.
2. Creating a MongoDB Connection

Administrator > Databases > Connection Management > DB Connections > Create Connection
Navigate to the Administrator > Databases > Connection Management > DB Connections > Create Connection menu.
Click the
Create Connection
button in the upper right corner.Select mongoDB as the data source.
3. Configuring for a Replica Set
< Standard Connection >

Set the appropriate network zone in Allowed Zone.
Specify a Connection Name.
Enable the
switch to activate cluster input, then enter the following information:Type: Select Primary (default), as the primary role can change dynamically.
Expose: Determine how the cluster's sub-nodes (hosts or instances) are displayed:
Expandable: Expand sub-nodes in the connection information or agent’s connection list.
Unexpandable: Sub-nodes are not expanded, only the cluster is displayed.
Hidden: Only sub-nodes are displayed, the cluster itself is hidden.
Connection String:
from the scheme options.Enter hostnames and ports separated by commas.
Add Instance
to add each member host as an instance.Instance Name: Enter a name to distinguish each host.
Connection String: Enter each host in the format
hostname (domain address or IP):[port]
.Expose: This option determines whether individual instances are visible in the connection information.
To use the multi-host feature, each instance must be exposed. Therefore, it is essential to enable the Expose option.

Authentication DB: Enter the value for the authentication database (authSource).
Other Options: Enter additional connection string options, excluding
Example 1: For a single option, use the format[Key]=[Value]
Example 2: For multiple options, use the format[Key]=[Value]&[Key]=[Value]
Note: If you are configuring a replica set, you must include the optionreplicaSet=[replica set name]
.Secret Store: Choose where to manage passwords and keys. The default, QueryPie, means they are managed internally.
User Name & Password: Enter the username and password for the database.
Test Connection
to verify the connection details.Click
to complete and save the connection.
For more detailed information on Cluster mode, refer to the DB Connections documentation.
< +srv Connection >

Set the appropriate network zone in Allowed Zone.
Specify a Connection Name.
Enable the
switch to activate cluster input, then enter the following information:Type: Select Primary (default), as the primary role can change dynamically.
Expose: Determine how the cluster's sub-nodes (hosts or instances) are displayed:
Expandable: Expand sub-nodes in the connection information or agent’s connection list.
Unexpandable: Sub-nodes are not expanded, only the cluster is displayed.
Hidden: Only sub-nodes are displayed, the cluster itself is hidden.
Connection String:
from the scheme options.Enter hostnames and ports separated by commas.
Connection String :
Scheme 선택항목에서
를 선택합니다.Enter the hostname in FQDN format.
to perform a DNS query. If successful, the nodes in the cluster are automatically added as instances.
Authentication DB and Other Options:
The values are automatically populated from the DNS TXT record.
For +srv, the
option must be manually added to the standard string after conversion on the Other Options, as it's not included in the TXT record.
Secret Store: Choose where to manage passwords and keys. The default, QueryPie, means they are managed internally.
User Name & Password: Enter the username and password for the database.
Test Connection
to verify the connection details.Click
to complete and save the connection.
4. Configuring for a Sharded Cluster
A Sharded Cluster setup differs from a Replica Set only in the connection string options. A Sharded Cluster does not require the replicaSet

< Standard Connection >
Enable the Cluster switch to activate cluster input, then enter the following information:
Type: Keep the default value, Primary, as the primary role can change dynamically.
Connection String:
from the scheme options.Enter the hostnames and ports of the mongos instances separated by commas.
Add Instance
to add each mongos instance.Enter the connection string in the format
, and assign an appropriate Instance Name.Expose: Determine the visibility of the instance in the connection information.
Authentication DB: Enter the value for the authentication database (authSource).
Other Options: Sharded clusters may not require additional options.
Secret Store: Choose where to manage passwords and keys. The default, QueryPie, means they are managed internally.
User Name & Password: Enter the username and password for the database.
Test Connection
to verify the connection details.Click
to complete and save the connection.
< +srv Connection >
After converting to a standard string, ensure the tls=true
option is correctly added under Other Options. There are no additional differences from the Replica Set configuration.
For more detailed information on Cluster mode, refer to the DB Connections documentation.
Proxy TLS (SSL) Configuration
When using the QueryPie SQL editor to connect, you must include tls=true
in the connection string.
For connections using the
scheme, the TLS option is automatically set totrue
. However, when converting to a standard connection string, you must manually addtls=true
in theOther options
field because the TXT record does not include the TLS option. Therefore, as shown in the example, add&tls=true
to theOther options
When using Proxy with SQL clients like DataGrip, you need to configure SSL separately in QueryPie. Please refer to the SSL Configurations document to configure SSL and apply the settings to the connection.

MongoDB Data Policies and Rules Configuration
In MongoDB, data that requires access restrictions, such as personal or sensitive information, can be masked or restricted from view at the Collection or JSON Value level. Since MongoDB stores data in JSON format, specific formatting logic is applied in QueryPie to handle these policies.
To create an initial policy, refer to the following links:
Registering a Masking Policy

Administrator > Databases > Policies > Data Masking > Add Rule List
After creating a policy, register the path to the data where the policy will apply:
Click on the policy you created in the Data Masking menu.
The policy details and rule registration screen will be displayed. On the right, click the
Add Rule List
button.Select the following details:
Database Name: Enter the database name.
Table Name: For MongoDB, enter the Collection name.
Column Name: For MongoDB, enter the JSON Attribute name where masking should be applied.
Apply data masking:
Apply the desired masking pattern(s) to the selected column(s).
QueryPie provides over 20 built-in patterns for masking personal and sensitive information.
You can also create custom detection and masking patterns using regular expressions in the Masking Pattern menu.
You can exempt certain users or groups from the access restriction rule as needed.
Allowed Users: Select the users or groups to exempt from the rule.
to save the settings.
The rules will now be visible in the Rule List tab. When a user accesses a MongoDB Collection with the applied policy, the specified JSON Attribute values will be masked according to the pattern, such as showing
Registering Access Restriction Policies for Collection/JSON Values
After creating a policy, register the path to the data where the policy will apply:

Administrator > Databases > Policies > Data Access > Add Rule List
Click on the policy you created in the Data Access menu.
The policy details and rule registration screen will be displayed. On the right, click the
Add Rule List
button.Select the following details:
Database Name: Enter the database name (required).
Table Name: Enter the table name (required). In MongoDB, this corresponds to the Collection name. If only the table is selected, the entire table (or Collection) will be restricted from viewing.
Column Name: In MongoDB, enter the JSON Attribute name if you want to restrict access to specific values within a Document.
You can exempt certain users or groups from the access restriction rule as needed.
Allowed Users: Select the users or groups to exempt from the rule.
to save the settings.
The rules will now be visible in the Rule List tab. When users access the data with these policies, the table itself will be inaccessible if the policy is applied at the table level, or restricted columns/values will display {RESTRICTED}
if applied at the column level.
JSON PATH Examples
Below are examples of how to apply policies to MongoDB data.
_id: ObjectId("64b3f7ad344ac8c881a09dc6"),
item: "journal",
qty: 25,
tags: ["blank", "red"],
size: {
h: 14,
w: 21,
uom: "cm"
Case 1. Restricting Access to the item Attribute

Administrator > Databases > Policies > Data Access > Add Rule List
To restrict access to a single attribute, enter item in the Column Name field and click OK

You will see that the value of the item (“T_PWD”) attribute is displayed as “Restricted Column” in the screenshot.
Case 2. Restricting Access to the size.h Attribute
To restrict access to the h attribute under size, enter $.size.h
in the Column Name field and click OK

Administrator > Databases > Policies > Data Access > Add Rule List

You will see that the value of the h attribute under size is displayed as “Restricted Column” in the screenshot.
Case 3. Restricting Access to All Attributes under size Attribute
To restrict access to all attributes under size, enter $.size
in the Column Name field and click OK

Administrator > Databases > Policies > Data Access > Add Rule List

You will see that all attribute values under size are displayed as “Restricted Column” in the screenshot.
Case 4. Restricting Access to the Second Value in the tags List
To restrict access to the second value in the tags list, enter $.tags[1]
in the Column Name field and click OK

Administrator > Databases > Policies > Data Access > Add Rule List

You will see that the second value in the tags list is displayed as “Restricted Column” in the screenshot.