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WAC Quickstart

This page will guide you through using WAC with the QueryPie manual page as an example.

To apply the policy that blocks access to the QueryPie 10.1 version manual and allows access to the 10.0 and 10.2 version manuals for the current user, follow these steps:

  1. Register the QueryPie manual page as a web app and add version-specific links under subpaths.

  2. Create a policy that allows access to all versions and another that blocks only the 10.1 version manual.

  3. Create a role that grants both policies and assign this role to the current user.


1. Registering the Web App

  1. Navigate to the Admin > Web Apps > Connection Management > Web Apps menu.

  2. Click the Create a Web App button.

  3. Enter the following information.

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    Admin > Web Apps > Connection Management > Web Apps > Create a Web App

    1. Name : QueryPie Manual

    2. Base URL :

      1. The Base URL cannot include a subpath (e.g., /ko).

      2. When entering the Base URL, it is recommended to exclude https://.

    3. Description: Enter a description for the web app (e.g., QueryPi Manual).

    4. Watermark: Choose whether to apply a watermark to the user's browser screen upon accessing the web app.

      1. This prevents screen leakage by displaying information such as the visitor and access time on the browser during web app access.

      2. The guide assumes the On status for instructions.

    5. Path Management: Choose whether to manage subpaths.

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      Admin > Web Apps > Connection Management > Web Apps > Create a Web App > Add Sub Path

      1. If Off is selected, detailed access policies for subpaths cannot be specified. However, access control based on the Base URL is still possible, and logging of web app access and browsing actions is also available.

      2. If On is selected, detailed access policies can be input only for the registered paths. Access to unregistered paths will be controlled.

      3. In the guide, after activating the On status, click the + Add Path button and enter the following three subpaths:

        1. Path: /ko/querypie-manual/10.0.0, Path Tag: [ver: 10]

        2. Path: /ko/querypie-manual/10.1.0, Path Tag: [ver: 10]

        3. Path: /ko/querypie-manual/10.2.0, Path Tag: [ver: 10]

    6. User Activity Recording: Choose whether to record user actions.

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      Admin > Web Apps > Connection Management > Web Apps > Create a Web App

      1. After activating On, enable all options.

      2. Enter the paths to exclude from user activity recording. Here, enter /ko/querypie-manual/10.2.0.

    7. Tag: Leave this field empty.

  4. Click the Save button to save the changes.

2. Register Policy: Allow All

  1. Navigate to the Admin > Web Apps > Web App Access Control > Policies menu.

  2. Click the Create Policy button, and enter the following in the Create Policy modal.

    1. Name : Manual-all-allow

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      Admin > Web Apps > Web App Access Control > Policies > Create Policy

  3. Click the Save button to save the changes.

  4. Click the Manual-all-allow policy you just created to access the details page, then click the Go to Editor Mode button.

  5. In the edit window, delete the contents of line 4 and below from the loaded policy.

  6. On the right, under Edit Spec - Allow, click the Add button next to Add Resources.

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    Admin > Web Apps > Web App Access Control > Policies > Edit Policy Detail

  7. In the Add Resources modal > Web Apps, select the QueryPie Manual registered in step 1. Leave the URL Paths field empty.

  8. Click the Add button to save and close the modal.

  9. In the policy editing page, verify the newly added policy details.

          - webApp: "QueryPie Manual"
            urlPaths: []
  10. Click the Save Changes button, and in the reason input modal, click the OK button to save.

3. Register Policy: Block Specific Path

  1. In the Policies menu, click the Create Policy button, and enter the following in the Create Policy modal.

    1. Name : Manual-deny-10.1

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      Admin > Web Apps > Web App Access Control > Policies > Create Policy

  2. Click the Save button to save the changes.

  3. Click the Manual-deny-10.1 policy you just created to access the details page, then click the Go to Editor Mode button.

  4. In the edit window, delete the contents of line 4 and below from the loaded policy.

  5. On the right, under Edit Spec - deny, click the Add button next to Add Resources.

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    Admin > Web Apps > Web App Access Control > Policies > Edit Policy Detail

  6. In the Add Resources modal > Web Apps, select the QueryPie Manual registered in step 1. Enter /ko/querypie-manual/10.1.0 in the URL Paths field and press Enter to apply it.

  7. Click the Add button to save and close the modal.

  8. In the policy editing page, verify the newly added policy details.

          - webApp: "QueryPie Manual"
              - "/ko/querypie-manual/10.1.0"
  9. Click the Save Changes button, and in the reason input modal, click the OK button to save.

4. Creating Role

  1. Navigate to the Admin > Web Apps > Web App Access Control > Roles menu.

  2. Click the Create Role button and enter the following.

    1. Name : Manual-role

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      Admin > Web Apps > Web App Access Control > Roles > Create Role

  3. Click the Manual-role role you just created to access the details page, then go to the Policies tab. Click the Assign Policies button.

    스크린샷 2024-12-19 오후 7.12.29.png

    Admin > Web Apps > Web App Access Control > Roles > List Details > Assign Polices

  4. In the Assign Policies modal, select the manual-all-allow and manual-deny-10.1 policies created earlier, then click the Assign button to save and close the modal.

5. Assigning Role to Users/Groups

  1. Navigate to the Admin > Web Apps > Web App Access Control > Access Control menu.

  2. Select the user or group to which you want to assign the role.

    1. For now, select yourself for testing.

  3. On the user details page, go to the Roles tab and click the Grant Roles button.

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    Admin > Web Apps > Web App Access Control > Access Control > List Details > Grant Roles

  4. In the Grant Roles modal, select the Manual-role you just created, then click the Grant button to save.

    1. If the expiration date is not changed, it will automatically be set to one year from today.

Next, let's proceed with the user-side settings to verify if the newly created access policy has been applied correctly.


1. Downloading Extension

  1. While logged into QueryPie, click the profile button at the top right, and in the profile menu, click Support > Download Web Secure.

    스크린샷 2024-12-23 오후 12.03.21.png

    QueryPie > Profile Menu

  2. In the QueryPie Web Secure Download modal, clicking the Download Link in Step 1 will start the download of the Chrome extension file.

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    QueryPie Web Secure Download

2. Installing Extension and Configuring Host

  1. Enter chrome://extensions/ in the Chrome address bar.

  2. Enable the Developer Mode toggle at the top right of the page.

  3. Without extracting the downloaded Chrome extension file, drag and drop it into the extensions area.

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    Chrome > My extensions

  4. A Host Configuration page will open in a new tab. Paste the currently used QueryPie address into the QueryPie Host field and click the Continue button.

  5. If the host information is valid, the Go to Dashboard button will appear. Click it, and a new tab will open, taking you to QueryPie.

    스크린샷 2024-12-19 오후 7.29.31.png

    Host Configuration Page

3. Accessing Web App through QueryPie

  1. Click the Go to Dashboard button, which will open a new tab and load the QueryPie Web console.

    1. If you are already logged into QueryPie, the Web App Dashboard will open.

    2. If not logged in, you will be redirected to the login page. Complete the login, then click Web Apps in the top menu to access the dashboard.

  2. In the Web App Dashboard, under My Apps, the QueryPie Manual app icon registered in Admin Quickstart will be visible. Click the icon, and a new tab will open, taking you to the website.

    스크린샷 2024-12-19 오후 7.35.29.png

    QueryPie > Web Apps > Web App Dashboard

  3. When you first connect, a screen will appear indicating that the current web session is being recorded. This screen is displayed when a new session begins. Click the Continue button to access the website.

    스크린샷 2024-12-23 오전 11.35.41.png

    Web Session Monitoring Notification

  4. A watermark will be applied according to the Web App settings when accessing the manual page.

  5. If you attempt to access a website with a blocked policy, you will be redirected to a block notification screen.

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    QueryPie Access Denied

    1. The following steps outline how to verify that access control for the version 10.1 manual, performed in Admin Quickstart, is functioning correctly:

      1. Click on QueryPie Docs for v10 on the QueryPie Manual page.

      2. From the dropdown in the top-right corner of the QueryPie Docs for v10, select 10.1.0.

      3. Verify that the block notification screen appears.

Admin-side (again)

1. Viewing Web App Access Logs

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Admin > Audit > Web Apps > Web Access History

  1. Navigate to the Admin > Audit > Web Apps > Web Access History.

  2. You can view the access logs of the web app currently accessed by the user.

    1. Action Type: Start and end of the web app access:

      1. Connect: Access started.

        • This is shown when the web app is accessed, with all subpaths recorded separately.

      2. Disconnect: Access ended.

        • This is shown when the tab is closed or the user navigates to another page.

    2. Result: The result of the access attempt:

      1. Success: Access successful.

      2. Failure: Access failed.

        • This is shown when access is blocked by WAC policies.

2. Viewing the User’s Session Logs

The logs will display all records of the user accessing controlled web apps and navigating through subpages, based on the web app and role.

User activity logs are only recorded if User Activity Recording is enabled during Web App creation.

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Admin > Audit > Web Apps > User Activity Recordings > Details

  1. Navigate to the Admin > Audit > Web Apps > User Activity Recording.

  2. Clicking the record left under the current user name will take you to the detail page.

  3. In the Event Timeline, you can view the user's actions in chronological order.

    1. By clicking the filter, you can view the actions by type.

    2. The following values are searchable:

      1. Content (Text or link clicked)

      2. URL (URL of the page accessed)

      3. Tab ID (Tab ID used)

  4. A screenshot of the page the user was viewing is saved for each event.

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