Register Connections Manually
In QueryPie, you have the flexibility to manually register databases, allowing you to enforce access control measures. Through manual registration, you can establish a database connection, manage user and group access to the connection, and define specific policies as needed.
Register a Connection Manually

Database Settings > DB Connections > Create Connection
From the Database Settings menu, navigate to the DB Connections menu.
Click on the
Create Connection
button in the top right corner.Select the appropriate data source type.
Fill in the required details to register the connection:
Network Zone : Select the accessible network bands for the connection. The default option is the Default Zone (, accessible from all networks.
Connection Name : Assign a distinctive name for the connection.
Host : Input the host address of the connection, which can be a domain or IP address.
Port : Specify the port number for the connection.
Database Name : Enter the name of the database to connect to.
Username & Password : Provide the credentials for accessing the database.
Proceed by clicking the
Test Connection
button to confirm the validity of the connection access information.Click on the
button to complete and save the configuration.
Q. What is Cluster mode?
A. Cluster mode refers to the synchronization and registration of database clusters, typically comprising primary and secondary clusters and endpoint management. Even if connections are manually registered, they can still be set up as a cluster structure using the Cluster toggle button.
In Cluster mode, access rights can be managed based on the cluster and instance endpoint structure. Users can be granted access to specific instance endpoints for purposes such as load balancing and permission management.
Enabling the Cluster option allows for entering cluster and instance information in a hierarchical structure.
If you know the endpoints of each cluster and instance, you can manually register them via
Add Cluster
.Type : Select the replication type of the cluster, either Primary or Secondary, enabling authorization on a per-cluster basis.
Expose : Determine whether the cluster is shown in the list of connections, offering flexibility in managing the hierarchy.
Expandable : Displays the user's Connections list down to the cluster and instance level when accessing WebSQL.
Unexpandable : Displays only at the cluster level that instances subordinate to a cluster are not displayed in the user's Connections list.
Hidden : The cluster is not visible in the user's Connections list, with only child instances visible.
Host : Enter the endpoint corresponding to a host in the cluster.
Add Instance : If managing down to the instance level, enter the name and host of the instance.
Expose : Allows choosing whether to expose instance endpoints in the user's Connections list. (For instance, if there are 3 instances in the Secondary child and only 2 with Expose set, users with Secondary permissions can connect with those 2 instance endpoints.)

Database Settings > DB Connections > Create Connection
What is the Use Multiple Database Account option?
A. The "Use Multiple Database Account" option allows you to configure different database accounts for access based on their roles: Admin, User, and Proxy. This feature is useful for managing permissions of database accounts for various purposes.
For Administrator: This setting is applied when querying database object information, facilitating the registration of the corresponding connection policy within the Settings page.
For User: This setting is utilized by users when establishing connections to a database via the web interface.
For Proxy: This feature is employed to create proxy credentials and establish connections through a proxy server.

Database Settings > DB Connections > Create Connection
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