Server Access Request
The Workflow feature simplifies the processing of requesting access to necessary servers. Upon approval by the designated approver, you gain access and can connect to the server via the web terminal or web SFTP.
Access Request
To request server access, please fill out the form in the following order.
1. Server Access Request

Workflow > Submit Request
Navigate to the Workflow tab in the top menu of the web page.
Click the
Submit Request
button in the top left corner, and then select theServer Access Request
type.The Create Server Access Request page will be displayed.
2. Select Approval Rule

Workflow > Submit Request > Server Access Request > Step 1 > Approval Rule
At the top of the Server Access Request page, select an Approval Rule to govern the approval process.
If you select
Default (No Rule)
, users can choose their own approvers.Approvers can be automatically added to the Approvers field when an admin selects a preset approval rule.
3. Add Approvers
Approvers can be added directly by the requester based on the approval rules set up by the admin. Click the + button in the box, and a popup will appear allowing you to add an approver.
If you've selected a approval rule that doesn't allow the requester to select an approver themselves, then the + button won't appear, and the box will be grayed out, indicating it cannot be clicked. In this case, the name of the approver set by the admin is automatically displayed.

Workflow > Submit Request > Server Access Request > Step 1 > Assignee for Approval
Condition of Approval : Select an approval condition.
A single Assignee can complete the approval request : The workflow ends when one of the selected approvers approves.
All Assignees must approve this request : All selected approvers must approve the request to end the workflow. (All approvals are required regardless of the order of approval.)
Assignees : Select the approvers for the request.
Once all approvers are selected, click the
button in the bottom right corner of the popup to save the selections.Urgent Mode : If post-approval is allowed according to the approval rule, you can register requests with the post-approval option.
4. Select the Server/Server Group and Account for Access

Workflow > Submit Request > Server Access Request > Step 2
Begin by selecting the server or server group from the list provided on the left-hand side.
On the right-hand side, you will find a list of accounts that have access to the selected server or server group. Select the account(s) you wish to request permissions for. You will find the total number of selected accounts displayed in the top left corner as {number} account(s) selected. In addition, the Type column in the left list will indicate the number of selected accounts for that server or server group.
If you need access to multiple servers or server groups, simply repeat steps 1 and 2 as necessary.
5. Write the Content of an Access Request

Workflow > Submit Request > Server Access Request > Step 3
Title : Provide a subject for the request.
Expiration Date : Select the date when the permission will expire.
Setting an expiration date is mandatory, and by default, it is one year from the current date if not specified.
It is crucial to set an appropriate expiration date to ensure proper access management and security.
Comments : Provide a reason or justification for the access request.
Submit the request by clicking the
You can track your request history and approval status in the Workflow > Sent Requests > In Progress section.
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